Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcome foodies!

Welcome to food for foodies on a budget! I'm Juana and here is a little bit about myself: I am Argentinian, but originally Italian, French, and Spanish so food is an essential aspect in my culture. I have wayyy too many hobbies. I love sports, languages, science, music, singing, dancing, horse-back riding, running, baking, cooking (obviously) and the list goes on, but one of my greatest loves is FOOD. I am most definitely a foodie. As a college student on a budget who wants to experience all the food wonders that NYC has to offer, I have set out on a mission to discover cheap and delicious cafes, restaurants, ice cream shops, bakeries, markets, and much more! If you have any suggestions of places to visit, please feel free to comment. Just to warn you, I'm not a journalism major and writing has never been my strongpoint, but food is something I am passionate about and I want to share my experiences with you other foodies so that you can visit these places and hopefully enjoy them as much as I know I will. So on that note: bon appétit, buen provecho, buon appetito, and enjoy your meal :)

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