Friday, February 1, 2013

Why Everyone Should Love Oatmeal

Who likes oatmeal? Well, let me just tell you, you probably don't like it as much as I do. Seriously, I have a problem. I am an oatmeal FANATIC. This place on 120 West 3rd Street in between Macdougal and 6th Avenue is called OatMeals. It is also called The Best Place Ever. Now, mind you, I have tried oatmeal many different ways and at many different places, including Gronsky's Milk House in High Bridge, NJ which I recommend for breakfast if you're ever near the area, but never have I seen a menu with so many unique toppings and combinations for oatmeal. OatMeals' menu ranges from the classic oatmeal with raisins, brown sugar, and cinnamon to oatmeal with sun-dried tomatoes and pesto. I have been a few times and I tried the Pumpkin Pie oatmeal from the Hot & Bothered menu, the Salted Caramel Apple oatmeal from The Happy Endings menu and this morning I tried the Quatre Fruits Rouge oatmeal. I honestly can't even pick my favorite because they were all so good. If you're more of a sweets person I highly recommend the Salted Caramel Apple and the Pumpkin Pie or the Dulce de Leche Cheescake (which I have yet to try), but they also make a S'mores and Banana Cream Pie oatmeal! Now if you're feeling healthy and love fruit (like I do) then the Quatre Fruits Rouge is for you. If you're in a salty mood, try the Croque Monsieur which has toppings like diced ham, gruyere cheese, and black pepper, and let me know how it is because I am more of a sweets person.You can also create your own and select from a plethora of toppings.  The prices are extremely reasonable; the most expensive largest size, the Papa Bear, is only $6.75. I think this place is great and if you enjoy oatmeal, definitely try it!

P.S: It was this morning that I went with a friend and tried the Quatre Fruits Rouge oatmeal and the social media woman took a picture of us and we ended up on their Facebook page! So go like their Facebook page!

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